Parent Info

Useful Information

Family Handbook

Revised TN child care regulations


Each of our classrooms at the center follows the Teaching Strategies: Creative Curriculum. This curriculum helps educators promote development and learning, fostering each child’s social competence. This curriculum is used to help enhance each child’s knowledge and prepare them for the transition into the older class and, ultimately, kindergarten.
Our center is fully equipped with outdoor play equipment for every child at our center to enjoy and develop their large motor and imaginative skills. Each age group has specific developmentally appropriate toys for their designated outdoor time.
Each class has the same age group of kids, and on the playground, children ages 2-3 years will only play with kids of similar age. From time to time, when ratios allow, children aged 3-5 years may be seen playing together outside on the playground. However, all children will be in the same age range in their respective classes.
The safety of each child is a top priority at Kids Cove, which is why injuries and illnesses are taken very seriously. If a child gets injured at our facility, we will care for the child’s needs. The parents are immediately contacted with the severity of the incident. From there, communications will ensue to determine the next steps. If a child gets sick at the center, the parents will contact them to discuss further care. Children with a fever of 100.1 or higher will be sent home and not allowed to return until the fever/illness has been resolved for at least 24 hours. Our sick policy will dive further into our handbook.
We open at 6:00 AM. Please do not drop off your child before the opening. Parents are expected to accompany their children and sign them in. We close at 5:30 PM. Please allow enough time to arrive, sign your child out, and leave by closing time. Your child will need to be signed in via our HiMama app as well as in the classroom. It is required that the parents greet the teacher with the child to ensure the transition of care from the parents to the center. Failure to do this will impose unnecessary safety concerns for the child.
Yes, the facility does utilize a camera security system that allows parents to stream what their child is doing in real time through the app.

Yes, we will be accepting state certificates.

Come And Visit Us

The Nurturing & Caring Environment For Your Child