Our Classrooms

Dedicated To Education

Ages 12 Months - 2 Years

The Grizzly Bears

Teachers :

Welcome to the Cubs, our nurturing space for the youngest members of the Kids Cove family. Designed for toddlers aged 12 months to 2 years, this room is a haven of exploration and discovery. Our caring educators are dedicated to fostering the early stages of development through activities that encourage sensory exploration, basic language acquisition, and motor skill development. In the Cubs room, every day is a new adventure, filled with learning opportunities that are just right for our littlest learners.
Ages 2-3

The Black Bears

Teachers :

The Black Bears room provides a safe and nurturing space for our youngest children to grow and learn. Our experienced caregivers help toddlers develop their fine motor skills, language abilities, and social-emotional skills through age-appropriate play and activities.
Ages 3-4

The Grizzly Bears

Teachers :

In the Grizzly Bears room, our curious little learners explore the world around them through play, art, music, and movement. Our educators encourage the development of communication, creativity, and problem-solving skills through interactive activities and group projects.
Ages 4-5

The Polar Bears

Teachers :

Our oldest group of children, the Polar Bears, engage in a range of activities designed to help them develop their skills and knowledge in preparation for their transition to kindergarten. In this room, we emphasize literacy, numeracy, and social skills through our innovative, age-appropriate curriculum, which combines creative learning methods with hands-on experiences.
School Age Kids in the summer, ages kindergarten-12 years

The Park Rangers

Teachers :

Our Park Rangers program offers school-age children a memorable summer experience. With a mix of educational and recreational activities, your kids will build new friendships, learn new skills, and create lasting memories.
Come And Visit Us

The Nurturing & Caring Environment For Your Child